Three year old boy

The Terrific Twos are not So Terrible!

The term “terrible twos” is an ubiquitous saying in the world of parenting. It’s a phase I’ve been dreading for as long as I can remember. But what if I told you that the terrible twos… aren’t always terrible? But that are actually terrific!

A couple of days ago, we said goodbye to the terrific twos and hello to age three. Terrific twos is my little play on the terrible twos, because two years old was seriously awesome. Yes, life with a two year old can be a hot mess rollercoaster of emotions. But oh, is it the most joyous ride! I don’t have much to compare to, but so far, two is definitely my favorite age. The nonstop affection, rockstar sleeping habits, flourishing language skills and the improved state of my mental health have made EJ’s second year the absolute best. 

I love his affection. Baby EJ was so independent and curious that he rarely had time for cuddles beyond feeding time. But two year old EJ loves kisses, hugs, snuggles, sitting in laps, holding hands, playing footsie. He loves to be the little spoon when climbing into our bed. It melts my heart every time his sweet little voice asks for extra hugs and snuggles if he’s feeling particularly tired or upset.

I love how well he slept. The newborn haze of half sleep is an incredibly special time, but also incredibly draining. Lack of sleep affects my mood deeply! Before EJ started sleeping long stretches, I was often miserable due to exhaustion. I could not wait for the day to come when he would sleep through the night. Thankfully, at two years old, his sleep is fantastic. Two year old EJ absolutely loves bedtime and has to be dragged out in the morning. Getting 12 hours of uninterrupted evening and night time is absolutely priceless. 

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I love how he communicates. Young babies cry, and you take an educated guess as to what they need. You run down the list of the usuals – hungry, tired, gas, diaper change, paci, etc and sometimes you’re still left with a screaming baby, completely clueless as to what they actually need. At three years old, we have a whole chatterbox on our hands! I love having conversations, asking questions, and playing make believe with my son. Best of all, he can tell me what he needs… usually! Two year old EJ still has tantrums of course, if he can’t get what he wants or has trouble expressing himself, but it’s been fairly mild.  

I’m in a better place. Throughout the first year or so of EJ’s life, I struggled with postpartum anxiety. I am worryer by nature, something I have to actively work on on a daily basis. New motherhood sent my anxious thoughts into overdrive. I was probably three or four months postpartum when I started to suspect something was off with my emotions, but I didn’t want to admit it to myself. PPD and PPA can occur as late as one year post delivery, and I didn’t actually seek help until nearly 9 months postpartum. Being in a better mental state allows me to let the small stuff roll off my back and enjoy the tender moments even more. I am able to fully embrace all of the joy he brings into my life.  

Two year olds are vivacious with wild emotions that can really throw you for a loop, so it’s easy to understand how the age got such a bad rap. While it may end up that your that year old drives you absolutely bonkers bananas, just remember that doesn’t have to be the case! And even if they do, try and find joy in as much of the time as you can. Two can be delightful and terrific period of time. These precocious moments don’t last forever.